1-- ` 2-- ` 3-- ` 4-- ` 5-- ` visa
from Russia, St.-Petersburg
e-mail: duncancenter@e1.ru subj: [Isadora]
skype: duncancenter
tel/fax. +7(812) 570-11-04
fax: same but call ahead to have it turned on
[faxes are accepted only after notice].
Olga Troul, Artistic Director
http://troul.zz.mu `
Andrei Panov, Project Manager
http://avs.url.ph `
Isadora Duncan World
Isadora Duncan Center
Isadora Duncan Video
Isadora Duncan Museum
http://s3s.so/idvm `
Isadora Duncan Festival
http://s3s.so/duncanfestival `
Olga Troul, Konnogvardeisky Boulevard 9-13,
St.-Petersburg, Russia, 190000.
? ± > ° * • • Центр Айседоры Дункан (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) http://duncancenter.jimdo.com • Театр танца "Классика-Модерн" http://duncan.boxmail.biz • Музей Айседоры Дункан http://idvm.fo.ru • Оперативная лента YOPmail http://s3s.so/so • Почта e-mail: duncancenter@e1.ru (обязательно вписать Тема: [Isadora]) skype: duncancenter tel. +7(812) 570-11-04 • Телеграм https://t.me/iduncancenter • Мобильная рация Zello Дункан-Центр http://zello.com/users/k/eIMZB http://zello.com/users/s?name=duncancenter • Адреса и телефоны http://s3s.so/r812 http://troul.zz.mu/tr-address.htm http://troul.chat.ru/tr-address.htm#begin http://troul.narod.ru/tr-address.htm http://r812.eu5.org/troul/tr-address.htm http://r812.eu5.org http://troul.chat.ru/0.htm http://s3s.so/r78 Мы ВКонтакте! • Центр Айседоры Дункан http://vk.com/duncancenter http://m.vk.com/duncancenter Наши группы • Фестиваль Айседоры Дункан http://vk.com/duncanfestival http://m.vk.com/duncanfestival • Музей Айседоры Дункан http://vk.com/duncanmuseum http://m.vk.com/duncanmuseum • Сообщество Айседора Дункан http://vk.com/duncanworld http://m.vk.com/duncanworld • Группа Школа свободного танца Айседоры Дункан (Летняя школа Дункан) http://vk.com/duncansummer http://m.vk.com/duncansummer • Группа Музыкальное движение [Стефанида Руднева] http://vk.com/ecodance http://m.vk.com/ecodance • Группа Студия музыкального движения (Пластическая хореография) http://vk.com/club89415845 http://m.vk.com/club89415845 Вступайте! Наши партнеры • Каплунов Юрий Геннадьевич http://vk.com/yurykaplunov http://www.facebook.com/people/Юрий-Каплунов/100012948046922 http://yurykaplunov.netfast.org http://yurykaplunov.fo.ru • Юношеская библиотека №3 им. Н.Островского на 17-й линии в Санкт-Петербурге, 17-я линия ВО, д.14а. Тел. 417-25-22 (Артемьева Ирина Михайловна). http://vk.com/id214986796 http://vk.com/videos214986796 http://vk.com/bibliotekaostrovskogo http://vk.com/videos-55113988 • Объединение подростково-молодёжных клубов Центрального района "Перспектива". Подростково-молодежный клуб "Нева" Центрального района, ул. Миллионная, д. 13-15. Тел. 314-10-72 (Ежова Надежда Ивановна). http://vk.com/club434932 http://vk.com/pages?oid=-15930458&p=Нева • Библиотека им. А.С. Грибоедова, Гороховая ул., д. 41. Тел. 310-94-39 (Мамина Адиля Абдылхаковна). http://vk.com/griboedovlib http://lermontovka-spb.ru/griboedova/ Facebook • ISADORA DUNCAN DANCE FESTIVAL { May, 27 } http://fb.com/groups/duncanfestival/ http://m.facebook.com/groups/duncanfestival/ • ISADORA DUNCAN MUSEUM { Discussion Forum } http://fb.com/groups/isadoraduncanmuseum/ http://m.facebook.com/groups/isadoraduncanmuseum/ http://fb.com/groups/duncanmuseum/ http://m.facebook.com/groups/duncanmuseum/ • ISADORA DUNCAN CENTER http://fb.com/isadora.duncan.center http://m.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.center • ISADORA DUNCAN CENTER { St. Petersburg, Russia } http://fb.com/isadora.duncan.center.spb.ru http://m.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.center.spb.ru • ШКОЛА ТАНЦА Айседоры Дункан (Санкт-Петербург, Россия) http://fb.com/groups/ecodance/ http://m.facebook.com/groups/ecodance/ Follow us • Одноклассники ` ОК https://ok.ru/profile/587429203774 • Twitter ` Твиттер https://twitter.com/iduncancenter • Notice-board ` Доска объявлений https://ru.pinterest.com/duncancenter/notice-board/ • Живой Журнал http://duncancenter.livejournal.com/ • Виртуальный дневник http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/duncancenter/ • Радио КМРТВ http://www.ustream.tv/channel/duncancenter • Прямой эфир [БиблиоОстров] http://www.ustream.tv/channel/biblioostrovskogo • Форум http://idvm.fo.ru/forum • Комментарии http://idvm.jimdo.com/contact/comment/ • Книга отзывов http://nsportal.ru/user/446196/guestbook • Гостевая книга http://duncan.boxmail.biz/cgi-bin/guest.pl • Гостевая bigmir)net http://profile.bigmir.net/6099813/guestbook/ DuncanCenter Video [Видео Дункан-Центр] • YouTube [ЮТуб] http://www.youtube.com/user/isidoraduncancenter/videos http://www.youtube.com/user/lornet2001/videos http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcDWcgczTSqBgj8bVKuwDJQ/videos • RuTube [РуТуб] http://rutube.ru/video/person/645744/ • BigMir http://video.bigmir.net/profile/6099813/ • ViMeo [ВиМео] http://vimeo.com/duncancenter • DailyMotion [ДейлиМоушн] http://www.dailymotion.com/duncancenter • MetaCafe [МетаКафе] http://www.metacafe.com/channels/duncancenter/videos/ • LiveInternet [ЛайвИнтернет] http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/duncancenter/video/ • DropBox [ДропБокс.Диск] http://www.dropbox.com/home/duncancenter • YandexDisk [Яндекс.Диск] https://disk.yandex.ru/client/disk/duncancenter/video • GoogleDisk [Гуугл.Диск] https://plus.google.com/photos/115897699276786621490/albums/5738540437278063777 • FaceBook [Фейсбук] https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.center/videos • VKontakte [ВКонтакте] http://vk.com/videos36018247 • DanceMedia [ДенсМедиа] http://dancemedia.com/profile/duncancenter • GOOGLE http://google.ru http://translate.google.com/#auto/ru/ http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=eb&sl=auto&tl=ru&u=https://startpage.com/ http://www.google.ru/search?q=айседора+дункан+site:rutube.ru http://www.google.ru/search?q=фестиваль+айседоры+дункан http://www.google.ru/search?q=isadora+duncan+site:youtube.com http://www.google.ru/search?q=isadora+duncan+festival http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=isadora+duncan https://www.youtube.com/view_all_playlists https://www.youtube.com/upload https://www.youtube.com/my_videos?o=U • 1-- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isadora Duncan Repertory Dance Company http://www.youtube.com/user/sylviagold1/videos Jun Morita website Isadora Duncan's Web Links http://www11.plala.or.jp/i-duncanslinks/companies.html http://www11.plala.or.jp/i-duncanslinks/ https://www.facebook.com/moritajun Morita Reiko (Japan) Professor of Kawamura Gakuen Woman's University and teaching Duncan Dance Tokyo Dance Association of Advanced Professional Training, President Dance Association of Tokyo Advanced Professional Training Schools, President Dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan 1-17-11 Horifune, Kita-ku, Tokyo 114-0004, Japan 2-18-21 Nakadai JP-Itabashiku Tokyo Japan TEL/FAX: 813-3912-8710, Tel. (81.3)3931.7448 e-mail: reiko712@rmail.plala.or.jp, junva@sea.plala.or.jp : November 27, 2004 : "is a Duncan Dancer." Noriko Masuyama Isadora Duncan Project Committee, Project Director 07949 406 305 e-mail: DuncanProject@hotmail.com- Emi Yagishita Doctral Course Student Graduate School of Letters, Arts and Sciences Cultural Sciences Theatre and Film Arts (Danca Studies) Research Fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science who studies on Isadora Duncan at Waseda University (Ph.D Course) in Japan https://www.facebook.com/emmy.yagishita https://www.facebook.com/emi.yagishita.1 http://en.netlog.com/emiyagishita http://www.amazon.com/_/wishlist/155WYG0AJZY4G http://jp.linkedin.com/pub/emi-yagishita/27/17a/a13 https://pipl.com/search/?q=Emi+Yagishita http://www.isecs.org/isecs-direct/index.php/users/view/7976 http://uwaseda.academia.edu/EYagishita e-mail: eyguardianangel@gmail.com e-mail: angelemi@u01.gate01.com The Greek Civilization https://www.facebook.com/TheGreekCivilization Ligoa Duncan, Raymonds daughter Curator of the Isadora & Raymond Duncan family collection, archive 4560 Sheridan Avenue FL 33140 Miami Beach, Florida U.S.A. Tel. (1.301)673.5012 https://www.facebook.com/ligoa.duncan https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ligoa-Duncan-Art-Galleries/155341194504207 Isadora and Raymond Duncan Dance Research Center Chrisafis 34 and Dikearchou street : 16232 : Vyronas Phone : + (30) 210 7621234 or + (30) 210 7621164 http://www.duncandancecenter.org/en/ http://www.dimosbyrona.gr/article.php?cat=52/ e-mail: info@duncandancecenter.org Isadora and Raymond Duncan Dance Centre 2013 http://isadoraduncandancegroup.blogspot.ru/2013/06/isadora-and-raymond-duncan-dance-centre.html http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-T8QfAyHNZKI/Ub3twPQBtiI/AAAAAAAAAQw/1yM48v2Jr1Y/s1600/A-OPSI+english.jpg Penelope Iliaskou (Greece) Isadora Duncan Dance Research Centre, Artistic director Isadora's and Raymond's Duncan Dance Research Center Isadora Duncan Dance Research Center, Municipality of Byron Isadora and Raymond Duncan Dance Study Center Isadora Duncan Centre de Recherche sur la Danse Athenes/Mediart Isadora et Raymond Duncan Centre de Recherche sur la Danse. CID member, Duncan, Mouvement, Contemporary, Improvisation, Dalcroze, School, Greek folk dance, ballet, modern, Eurythmics, School, Seminars, Folk Chrisafis 34 & Dikearchou GR-16232 Byron, Athens Greece 34 Chryssafi Street & Dikaiarchou GR-10000 Byron, Athens Greece 34 Chrisafis & Dikearchou st., 16232 Byron, Athens Greece Tel. (30.1) 762-11-64, 762-12-34; Fax (30.1) 762-12-33 Tel : (30) 010 762 12 34; Fax: (30) 010 762 12 33 Home address: Basiliou Laskou 19-21 GR-11633 Pangrati, Athens Greece Tel. (30.1) 322 58 78 Tel: +30 210 3225878, Mobile: +30 693 8666519 (Les accents ont ete volontairement oublies par souci de compatibilite entre les systemes) http://mediart.free.fr/duncan.htm http://isadoraduncancenter.org http://phiros.blogspot.ru/p/phiros.html https://www.facebook.com/penelope.iliaskou Duncan Dance Center https://facebook.com/Duncan-Dance-Center-1551614175084532/ idathens@otenet.gr, penelope.iliaskou@mediart-france.org, penelope.iliaskou@oma-gr.org, iliaskou@gmx.net : 26 Feb 2002 : "We would be interested in participating in it with a group of 11 years old students and with a choreography built on drawings and other works of artists inspired by Isadora Duncan. As we will eventually participate with a group of 12 children (10 to 11 years old), you imagine the responsibility I will have concerning the security problem." Lucas Thanos \ Лукас Тианос (Greece, New York) https://www.facebook.com/lucas.thanos Lucas Thanos Music Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/333925146744595/ http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1425394/ http://vk.com/lucas_thanos_official_page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lucas-Thanos/227632094019565 https://www.facebook.com/siamsiaris.giannis http://www.youtube.com/user/lucasmusic4u http://www.dailymotion.com/playlists/user/Lucas_Thanos/1 http://vimeo.com/lucasthanos http://www.reverbnation.com/lucasthanos https://myspace.com/lucasthanos http://wikibit.net/v/Lucas-Thanos http://twitter.com/LucasThanos e-mail: lucas.thanos@gmail.com Harriet Berg Dance Archives Isadora Duncan Fan Club Dancer, modern, Duncan, teacher 19977 Snowden MI 48235 Detroit, Michigan U.S.A. https://www.reuther.wayne.edu/node/3518 Valerie Sutton Dancer, teacher, Isadora Duncan 76 Holden Wood Road MA 01742 Concord, Massachusetts U.S.A. Director Certified Teacher, Founder of the Isadora Suton Dance Writing Center For Sutton Movement Writing, Inc. a nonprofit, tax-exempt educational organization P.O. Box 517...La Jolla...CA...92038-0517...USA Voice: 858-456-0098...TTY: 858-456-0010...Fax: 858-456-0020 DanceWriting Sheet Dance Dance Writer & Copyist: Duncan Dancer, Teacher, Lorraine Spada A Selection Of Isadora Duncan Dances The Shubert Selection By Sylvia Gold 107 illustrated pages, ISBN: 0-914336-20-7 http://www.dancewriting.org/library/index.html http://www.dancewriting.org/library/duncan/index.html http://www.dancewriting.org/acrobat/duncan/Isadora_Duncan_Dances.pdf http://www.movementwriting.org e-mail: Sutton@DanceWriting.org-, Sutton@SignWriting.org 2-- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Isadora Duncan International Forum https://m.facebook.com/groups/944874495569132?_rdr Isadora Duncan International Symposium (IDIS) June 16-18, 2013 (next symposium will be held in 2015) 3220 N Street NW Suite 225, Washington, DC 20007 http://duncansymposium.com https://www.facebook.com/DuncanSymposium e-mail: info@duncansymposium.com Isadora Duncan Archive digital repository of scholarship and information on Isadora Duncan http://www.isadoraduncanarchive.org/ Russian website dedicated to Isadora Duncan http://www.isadoraduncanarchive.org/collection/collections Valerie Durham, MFA (USA) Artistic Director, Duncan Dance Teacher, Soloist and Choreographer PO Box 4009, Annapolis, MD 20854, t. (410) 570-05-35 Isadora Duncan School for Creative Movement & Dance greater mobility, creativity and joy in life PO Box 4858, Rockville, MD 20849-4858, Phone: (301)335-1928 http://www.duncanschool.com https://www.facebook.com/DuncanSchool http://www.duncandancers.com http://www.duncandancers.com/directory.html https://www.facebook.com/duncandancer https://www.facebook.com/moveSimply Spring 2013 ImagineDance, FreeFlow Dance and Isadora Duncan Technique Classes https://www.facebook.com/events/151768941641937/ e-mail: valerie@duncandancers.com, info@duncanschool.com : 17 september 06 : "Our company (4 or 5 dancers) would be very interested in traveling to Petersburg, Russia to perform and participate in the Isadora Duncan Festival on May 27, 2007. The question is: how should the visa be sponsored?" Pamela De Fina (France) Dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan, Art Historian, choreographe and teacher MA Art History, BA Elementary Education, unique choreography taught to me by Maria Theresa, have published a book Title: Art Historian, Teacher, choreographe, author 6 Passage Saint-Louis, Versailles, France 78000 c/o Realty De Fina FL 33480 Palm Beach, Florida U.S.A. Tel. (1.305)6590577, 561-627-1047, 561-713-8839 http://www.dorrancebookstore.com http://www.dorrancepublishing.com https://www.facebook.com/pdefina1 http://www.amazon.com/dp/0805949607/ref=cm_sw_r_fa_dp_TPy4rb0MXF45A Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc. Book order department 701 Smithfield Street Trird Floor, Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Call 1-800-788-7654 e-mail: definapamela@yahoo.com e-mail: pameladefin78@yahoo.fr Angeladefina@aol.com, definp01@aol.com, definapfr@yahoo.fr : April 12, 2004 : "Dear Andrey, I will try and come to the festival!" Sandra Zarotney Keldsen https://www.facebook.com/sandra.keldsen Cynthia Word (Annapolis, Аннаполис) https://www.facebook.com/cynthia.word.7 Word Dance Theater, Washington, DC, Artistic Director and Founder the choreography, philosophy and teaching techniques of Modern Dance founder Isadora Duncan non-profit organization 4938 Hampden Lane, Box 405, Bethesda, MD 20814 Telephone 301.785.9970, Fax 443.782.0062 https://twitter.com/worddancedc http://www.worddance.org/video/ http://worddance.org/blog/the-art-of-creating/ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Word-Dance-Theater/147571588588464 https://www.facebook.com/word.dance.5 http://www.washingtontimes.com/topics/isadora-duncan/ http://www.ballet-dance.com/200806/articles/worddance20080501.html http://artsclubofwashington.org/calendar/event/the-love-letters-of-isadora-duncan Cynthia Word, Artistic Director: cynthia@WordDance.org Ingrid Zimmer, Associate Director: ingrid@WordDance.org https://www.facebook.com/ingrid.z.evers General Information: info@WordDance.org Kathleen Quinlan-Zetterberg (Stockholm, Sweden) Lilla Baletten (a children's dance company in the tradition of Isadora Duncan), artistic director D-Company/D-Kompani (a professional company) Anna Duncan Collection is housed at the Dance Musuem/Dansmuseet in Stockholm, Sweden TBV, BOX 4401, 10268 Stockholm, SWEDEN Yrkesvagen 5, 122 31 ENSKEDE, SWEDEN http://on-line-dance.tv/kathleen_quinlan.htm https://www.facebook.com/kathleen.zetterberg http://www.youtube.com/user/Lillyzett/videos 8 649 30 40 Eugenija Griff au studio Sensus, Medborgarhuset Stockholm, Suède. 228 Euros le stage contact Suède 0046 08 615 5757 e-mail: kathleenquinlanzetterberg@gmail.com, kathleen.jklmqz@chello.se eugenijagriff@hotmail.com : 21 Feb 2002 : "We received financial help for our travel from the Swedish Institute for the adults and we are waiting to hear from another association about the children." Lilly Zetterberg https://www.facebook.com/lillyzetterberg http://www.inalivingtradition.com/isadora-duncan/ email: cmwproduktion@gmail.com email: inalivingtradition@gmail.com Instagram: lillyzetterberg Drachin von Terra http://www.artistesfemmesdeterra.com/isadora-duncan-dance-links/ http://www.youtube.com/user/IsadoraDuncanDrachin https://www.facebook.com/artistesfemmesdeterra terra@artistesfemmesdeterra.com Laura Higgins Palmer https://www.facebook.com/laurahiggins.palmer https://www.facebook.com/DanceThisNotebook Dance Musuem / Dansmuseet Stockholm, Sweden Anna Duncan Collection https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dansmuseet/155332134520893 Brigit Boman Historian, Isadora Duncan, children's dance Idrottsgatan 1 SE-16935 Solna, Stockholm Sweden Duncan dance Idrottsgatan 13 tr SE-17138 Solna Sweden Tel. (46.8)829724 Prof. Christine Straumer Internationale Rhythmikwerkstatt Dalcroze, Institute Rhythmik Hellerau e.V. [Dalcroze-"Rhythmik" is the personal private interest of Mrs. Straumer, who was for a rhythmic teaching at the russian meeting] im Festspielhaus Hellerau, Karl- Liebknecht- Strasse 56, 01109 Dresden Telefonanfragen: +49 (0) 351 40 57 474 (tristan production) http://www.rhythmikwerkstatt-hellerau.de/de/index.php e-mail: kontakt@rhythmikwerkstatt-hellerau.de, info@tristan-production.de Christine.Straumer@hfmdd.de, cstraumer@yahoo.de Kate Woodman (Crowborough, England) Free Spirit dance, creative dance teacher e-mail: kateandclive@tiscali.co.uk : 06 Nov 04 : "I am waiting to see" Elizabeth Duncan School Munich (Belfortstr.) phone +49-89-48 00 23 60 Elizabeth Duncan Gesellschaft e.V. c/o Deutsches Tanzarchiv Köln, Im Mediapark 7, 50670 Köln Tel. +49 (221) 226-5757, Fax +49 (221) 226-5758 e-mail: tanzarchiv@aol.com www.sk-kultur.de .. Dr. Frank-Manuel Peter director, German Dance Archive in Cologne https://www.facebook.com/pages/German-Dance-Archives/386466338051317 head of the Elizabeth Duncan Gesellschaft e.V. (society) editor of: Isadora and Elizabeth Duncan in Germany. 2000 Deutsches Tanzarchiv Koeln Duncan Entries Germany 2008 e-mail: fmpeter2@sk-kultur.de .. Deutsches Tanzarchiv Koeln SK Stiftung Kultur Duncan Tanz Stiftung zum Erhalt der Elizabeth Duncan Schule Foundation, founded by Hannelore Schick (1937-2008) Freunde der Tanzkunst am Deutschen Tanzarchiv Koln e. V. [local society to help archive] (also: Duncan-collection) Germany Im Mediapark 7 D-50670 Koeln Tel. 0221 / 226-5763 Tel.: (0221) 226 5757 (Empfang) Fax: (0221) 226 5758 http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz/duncan/seiten/ http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz Werbebroschure 1906 http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz/duncan/seiten/broschuere.html http://www.sk-kultur.de/tanz/duncan/bilder/vereinsprospekt.pdf https://www.facebook.com/FreundederTanzkunst e-mail: tanzarchiv@sk-kultur.de 3-- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Barbara Kane (London) Isadora Duncan Dance Group (London/Paris), Artistic Director 4a Oswyth Road, London, SE5 8NH England TEL/FAX: +44.207.701.63.79, Fax (44.20)7277 1184 https://sites.google.com/site/isadoraduncandancegroup/ http://page.freett.com/IsadoraDuncan/index.htm http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=IDDG&view=videos http://www11.plala.or.jp/i-duncanslinks/isadoraduncandancegroup/ http://iddg.webhop.org http://isadoraduncandancegroup.blogspot.ru https://www.facebook.com/barbara.kane.790 e-mail: iddg_londonparis@yahoo.co.uk, Iddg@hotmail.com : 28 Apr 2002 : "We would like to hear more of the festival and of your work in the plastic arts inspired by Isadora Duncan." https://sites.google.com/site/isadoraduncandancegroup/members Barbara Kane (Artistic Director), Francoise Rageau, Annette Spector (London), Christine Grant (London), Betsy Field (London), Annette Mouret (Paris), Beatrice Pegaz-Fiornet (Paris), Sandra Voulgari (Athens) Sandra Voulgari https://www.facebook.com/sandra.voulgari.1 http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLEi90jHXlH8pAVvbA1nMbg/videos http://www.isadoraduncanarchive.org/dancer/118/ Catherine Tsuji (NYC) Associate Director of Education 22 Desbrosses St. NYC, NY 10013 USA (212) 219 3647 Jeanne Bresciani, Ph. D., Director Isadora Duncan International Institute, INC. 150 East 61st Street Suite 11C NY 10021 New York U.S.A. Tel. (1.212)753.0846 Fax (212) 688-8213 (845) 687-4183 Fax (845) 687-8730; Fax (1.814)687.4183 http://idii.org http://www.isadoraduncan.net https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan-International-Institute-IDII/232911610088507 https://www.facebook.com/katie.tsuji.7 e-mail: idii2001@aol.com, taiku@earthlink.net, katietsuji@hotmail.com : 22 Mar 02 : "You absolutely correct on count of the friendship of a Dunkan`s peoples. But regrettably, circle too close-fitting and many each other hate. The history long, not very beautiful. We always hope on that Dunkan World not without good people" Isadora Duncan dancers (only for those who loyal to IDII) https://www.facebook.com/groups/162985300386378/ Michiyo Sato (Japan) Dancer/Choreographer/Teacher/Interpreter on Dance Japanese authentic mythology dance piece "Hikaru: the emerging light" IDII Ambassador to Japan Add: 3-8-21 Ainokawa, Ichikawa, Chiba, 272-0143 Japan Phone/Fax: +81-473-57-9246 http://home.att.ne.jp/alpha/idance/ew.htm http://blog.sq-life.jp/sato/ http://idii.org/japan_branch.html https://www.facebook.com/michiyo.sato.9279 https://www.facebook.com/idii.japan e-mail: michsato@cba.att.ne.jp, michidance@hotmail.com : 15 May 02 : "Due to the family matters that I have to take care of urgently, I must cancel my participation this time. I am really sorry for the cancellation on the last minute." Mino Nicolas Art of the Solo, Artistic Director/Regisseur Marilyn Holstedt with Jeanne Bresciani http://www.theartofthesolo.org/contact.html Moving Voices The Isadora Duncan Cultural Exchange, Inc. Dance and Movement Arts Affiliated with the Isadora Duncan International Institute, Inc. 419A Main Street - South Boston, Virginia 24592 Phone: 434.517.0060; After Hours Phone 434.579.0142 http://www.mvidce.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/Moving-Voices-The-Isadora-Duncan-Cultural-Exchange-Inc/140107886010932 e-mail: dance@mvidce.org, goddess@pure.net- Patricia Ward, Artistic Director 419 Main Street South Boston, VA 24592 434-579-0142 http://musesdance.com/?page_id=10 http://musesdance.com/?page_id=23 https://www.facebook.com/musesdance https://twitter.com/musesdance http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-bXLC3tLR9SdqmS7FJuWoA/videos e-mail: info@musesdance.com dance@mvidce.org FREE Isadora Duncan Spring Festival Set For May 25 Spring Festival 2011 in Celebration of Isadora Duncan's Birthday Celebrate Isadora Duncan's Birthday through the Art of the Dance. FREE and open to the public! Wednesday, May 25, 6-8pm in the Prizery Banquet Hall. http://www.prizery.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:free-isadora-duncan-spring-festival-set-for-may-25&catid=25&Itemid=150 Lori Belilove (NYC, USA) Artistic Director Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation Isadora Duncan Foundation for Contemporary Dance You founded the Duncan Center in 1979 here in NYC. The Duncan Foundation 141 W. 26th Street, New York, NY 10001 141 W. 26th St. NY, 10001 t. (212) 691-5040, 212.695.5040, Fax 212.627-0774 http://www.isadoraduncan.org http://isadoraduncanmarches.brownpapertickets.com https://www.facebook.com/lori.belilove https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan-Dance-Foundation/117443478276244 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/49804171938 http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/isadora-duncan-dance-foundation-s-2014-educational-offerings https://twitter.com/DuncanDance e-mail: info@isadoraduncan.org lori@isadoraduncan.org, se@bellydance.org : 02 Feb 02 : "I do not understand you message. It is too late to bring my company - we need to fundraise in advance for such projects as it will be expensive. Do you offer accomodations? Food?" Jodi Liss, under Julia Levien http://isadoraduncanbio.wordpress.com http://isadoraduncanbio.wordpress.com/2012/12/13/lori-belilove/ Jill Sonke-Henderson, FL http://nyff.net/mint/sotd/html/1whoweare/faculty/adjunct/sonke-henderson.htm Duncan Dance Instructor, soloist and regisseur of the historic works of Isadora Duncan as well as a recognized teacher of the Duncan technique. with Lori Belilove and Company (formerly the Isadora Duncan Repertory Dance Company) University of Florida, Center for the Arts in Healthcare Research and Education (CAHRE), Co-Founder and Co-Director e-mail: jsonke@ufl.edu, jill.sonke@sfcc.edu School of Theatre and Dance, Associate Professor Nadine McGuire Theatre and Dance Pavillion P.O. Box 115900. Gainesville, FL 32611-5900 t:352.273.0500 f:352.392.5114 e-mail: sotd@arts.ufl.edu Patricia Adams (New York) co-director of a group called Dances by Isadora as a group since 1986 Patricia Adams, Sarah Takagi, Janice Smithers and Catherine Gallant Telephone: 508-543-3028 https://www.facebook.com/DancesbyIsadoraBoston https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dances-by-Isadora/135168169854750 https://www.youtube.com/user/isadoraduncandance/videos http://www.dancesbyisadora.org e-mail: pat.adams@dancesbyisadora.com, pkissinger@mediaone.net info@dancesbyisadora.com .. Catherine Gallant Dances by Isadora, Director (Catherine Gallant/DANCE) 1623 Third Ave. #21K New York, NY 10128, USA Telephone: (917) 673-3132 http://www.catherinegallantdance.com/Contact.html https://www.facebook.com/catherine.gallant1 e-mail: catherinegallantdance@gmail.com cgallant@dancesbyisadora.com, catdance34@hotmail.com : 21 Oct 01 : "I am very interested in having a relationship with you and your group. I am interested in participating in the festival." .. Sylvia Gold (Nee Rubinstein) (1923-2013) http://www.dancesbyisadora.com/Sylvia_Gold.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjFi3AvJzTA .. Moving Visions Dance https://www.facebook.com/MovingVisionsDance http://movingvisionsdance.com/contact Andrea Berger Reconstruction, Creative Process, Dance Research, Faculty, Co-Artistic Director of Anaklethra with composer Francis Di Donato 5515 Wissahickon Ave. Apt. C101; Philadelphia, PA 19144; Temple University, Ester Boyer College of Music and Dance http://www.dean.edu/academics/AndreaBerger.cfm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY6DKDzuRkE https://www.facebook.com/andrea.bergerdidonato e-mail: psyche@temple.edu, anaklethra124@aol.com, Anaklethra@aol.com Meg Brooker Thel Dance Theatre, Artistic Director The Duncan Dance Collective (also with Lori Belilove and Company) New York City, New York Мастер-класс для детей от 5 лет. Мэг Брукер (США) и Джулия Понд (США-Великобритания) http://www.newyorkdancer.com Marie Carstens (Co-director) https://www.facebook.com/marie.carstens.5 Yelena Konetchy, Company Manager Natalia Brillante Francesca Todesca http://www.mb-arts.com/contact.html https://www.facebook.com/meg.brooker https://www.facebook.com/pages/Thel-Dance-Theatre/503802876304651 e-mail: Meg@MB-Arts.com Meg Brooker, Katherine Duke and Shay Ishii http://www.shayishiidanceco.com/contact.html Austin, Texas Phone: 512.791.9496 E-mail: shay@shayishiidanceco.com https://www.youtube.com/user/shaydance/videos https://www.youtube.com/user/TexasStateDance/videos Opening Door Dance Theatre presents Dancestry, a celebration of artistic heritage and revival of historic dance. Dancestry showcases masterworks of modern dance pioneers, Loïe Fuller, Isadora Duncan, and Erick Hawkins. https://www.facebook.com/Dancestry/ Julia Pond Dance Texas-based Duncan dancer Meg Brooker to teach 4th generation Duncan dancer, former member of Lori Belilove’s Мастер-класс для детей от 5 лет. Мэг Брукер (США) и Джулия Понд (США-Великобритания). +44 (0) 795 132 3926 http://www.juliapond.com/home/contact https://www.facebook.com/julia.pond.7 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Julia-Pond-Dance/578565682153615 e-mail: JuliaPondDance@gmail.com Francesca Todesco https://www.facebook.com/francesca.todesco.9 Every Little Movement Academy of the Arts (ELMAA) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Every-Little-Movement-Academy-of-the-Arts-ELMAA/196678243733493 Mary Sano (San Francisco) Mary Sano Studio of Duncan Dancing, Director 245 Fifth Street, Unit 314, S.F. For information call 415-357-1817 http://www.duncandance.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mary-Sano-Studio-of-Duncan-Dancing/108651475864704 e-mail: info@duncandance.org idhsj@duncandance.org, marysano@duncandance.org, MarySano@aol.com : 25 Feb 01 : "I really do not know other Duncan's E-mails yet. I know addresses of a few serious Duncannite in the world. I would like to find out myself about others in the world who are really serious about this work. We need to keep all the Duncan interest and spirit alive." Carol Pratl (Chicago, USA) CID member, Teacher, modern, Isadora Duncan dance, choreographer, journalist American Duncan specialist, official Duncan advisor of the International Dance Council Founder-Directo: Centre Duncan-France Artistic Director: Compagnie La Bacchanale (Honorary President, Ligoa Duncan) Place and date of birth: Chicago, Illinois USA, November 30, 1959 Passport number: USA passport - N°700866467, expiration date: April 28, 2006 Residence (also dual citizenship): 175, avenue Ledru-Rollin, Paris 75011, France Tel 33-1-43 67 31 92 or 33-6-08-05-19-15 fax number to my attention : 33-1-55 34 57 82 Isadora Duncan Dance Group (Paris, FRANCE) e-mail: carol.pratl@wanadoo.fr duncancenterfrance@hotmail.com, duncancenterfrance@hotmail.fr : 01 Feb 04 : "Please send me any fees involved, etc. Normally, if Vera Belozorovitch and I come, we would have an apartment where we could stay. That's no problem. Only I would need an official invitation in order to get a visa." Rebecca Woll (New York) isadoraNOW, a contemporary dance company, Director of Operations New York City Duncan and Modern Company P.O. Box 311 New York, New York 10101 t. 212.533.3147 Elyssa Dru Rosenberg, Executive Director https://www.facebook.com/elyssa.rosenberg.1 Laura Iris Nave, Artistic Director t. 001 (914) 424-6600 http://isadoranow.org/contact/ http://www.isadoraNOW.org https://www.facebook.com/isadoraNOW e-mail: info@isadoranow.org rebecca.woll@gmail.com, elyssa@isadoranow.org, raleigh@isadoranow.org : 25 September 2008 : "Because Isadora's technique and ideas were so inspired by Russia we feel it is only appropriate that we present our work in Russia so were extremely excited when we came accross your Dance Center as the Centre's mission matches ours perfectly. We are hoping that we may be able to work with you to bring isadoraNOW to Russia and to your center for the 2009-2010 season." DanceNyaad Carrie Tron, Artistic Director,owner Phone: (914)-715-9882, (914)-244-8500 http://www.dancenyaad.com/contact/ https://www.facebook.com/inannacamellia.tron info@dancenaiad.com .. Carrie Tron, Carrie Ellen-Tron (United States) Isadora Duncan Youth Ensemble, Director The Pulse Performing Arts Studio 196 Route 117 Bypass Road (at the Harris Road Intersection) Bedford Hills, NY 10507 877-22PULSE or 914.241-0200 Jennifer Dell, Director http://www.performthepulse.com e-mail: lady_inanna@yahoo.com : 28 March 2008 : "the largest Duncan performing group for young dancers in the United States. I would be very interested in coming to next year's festival." Alice Bloch https://www.facebook.com/alice.bloch.7 e-mail: abloch45@gmail.com Christine Jowers (NYC, USA) Dance Artist/Producer The Dance Enthusiast, Editor Moving Arts Projects, Artistic Director c/o JOWERS/ FRIEDMAN, 220 Riverside Boulevard, 8M, NYC, NY 10069 Cell: 917.847.4860, Phone/Fax: 212.362.6818 http://www.movingartsprojects.org e-mail: christinemoves@gmail.com cmmjowers@gmail.com, cj@movingartsprojects.org Phone: 917-847-4860 http://www.dance-enthusiast.com/about/contact/ https://www.facebook.com/dancEnthusiast Sans Limites - Fans of Isadora Duncan https://www.facebook.com/groups/35815248862/photos/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/35815248862/ e-mail: info@dance-enthusiast.com : 1 May 2007 : "Will you be having a festival in 2008? I recently performed a show dedicated to isadora duncan and would love to bring it to you." Dance Education Laboratory (DEL) Megan Doyle Associate Director of Dance Education, 92Y Harkness Dance Center Erica Rosenberg http://danceeducationlaboratory.com/contact https://vimeo.com/danceedlab/videos http://www.92y.org/Class/Isadora-Duncan-Body-and-Spirit http://www.92y.org/Uptown/Classes/Adults/Dance/Isadora-Duncan.aspx duncanvideo1's channel 92nd st http://www.youtube.com/user/duncanvideo1/videos e: mdoyle@92y.org p: 212.415.5551, f: 212.415.5549 Vidala Shamans (Los Angeles) The Isadora Duncan Academy, Director Native American heritage graduated from college with BA in philosophy and did thesis on Kant Dance Therapy for abused children e-mail: Vidala4@aol.com : 09 Aug 01 : "I graduated from college with BA in philosophy and I did my thesis on Kant. I've preformed a version at University of California and am refining many parts and working on raising the money to tour the production hopefully to Europe and Russia." Fiona Alderman (France) The Salignac Foundation Barry Paton BSc & Fiona Alderman Video and Dance Training Courses The Salignac Foundation, 12 rue Fenelon, Salignac Eyvigues, 24590 France. Telephone from Outside France : 0033 951 98 30 82 Telephone from France : 0951 98 30 82 +33 (0)5 53 29 94 06 http://www.salignacfoundation.com e-mail: salignacfoundation@worldonline.fr : 22 Jun 01 : "Perhaps we can have an exchange of teachers at some point, that would be very interesting for us too." Elisabeth Schwartz, Elisabeth Remy, Elisabeth Swartz-Ruey (France, Paris) Duncan Researcher, Dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan 10 impasse de la Main d'Or FR-75011 Paris France e-mail: remy.schwartz@wanadoo.fr : 22 May 2002 : "I won't be able to come. I did not get the money for the travel." Isadora Duncan Tanz - Elizabeth Duncan Schule (Germany) Duncan-Tanz ist eine Form des modernen kunstlerischen Tanzes Belfortstr. 5, RGB (Klingel: Duncan-Tanz) 81667 Munchen (direkt am Ostbahnhof) Telefonische Sprechstunde: 089 / 48 00 23 60 nur freitags von 16.00 bis 17.00 Uhr Leitung: Astrid Schleusener, Tel. 089/272 09 66 http://www.duncantanz.de/index1.htm http://www.duncantanz.de/links.htm e-mail: duncanschule@gmx.de e-mail: webmaster@duncantanz.de, kontakt@duncantanz.de, info@duncantanz.de Marion Hollerung Tel. +49 (0)89 33 73 16 e-mail: info@hollerung.net Hannelore Schick [1937-2008] Buro Archiv Schulleitung Landsberger Str.21, 86926 Greifenberg Tel.08192/933485 + 089/2720966, Fax: 08192 / 933486 http://www.duncantanz.de/tanzen.htm e-mail: mlorch@online.de : 25 October 2006 : "Wir mцchten auf jeden Fall kommen! Vermutlich snd wir zu dritt. Ich selbst, Hannelore Schick (69), kann unterrichten, erzдhlen und tanzen. Marion Hollerung (47) ebenso." Karyn Edison (Boston, USA) Framingham School, Holliston School, Director Dancing Arts Center Massachusetts, USA, 9 Whitney Street, Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 875-0931 (Framingham School) (508) 429-7577 (Holliston School) (508) 528-5854 (FAX and home office) http://www.dancingartscenter.com http://www.youtube.com/user/DancingArtsCenter https://www.facebook.com/karyn.edison e-mail: DancArtCtr@aol.com : 19 Oct 01 : "I would like to participate in future years, so please keep the information coming. Can modern dance companies that reflect newer styles of modern participate?" LoisAnn Flood https://www.facebook.com/loisann.flood Lois Flood, Lois Ann Flood (Danville, California, USA) lois’ isadora duncan dance classes founder of diablo dance theater of danville P.O Box 444 Alamo, CA. 94507 * (925) 820-2750 http://www.diablodancetheater.com http://www.peacehost.net/DiabloDanceTheater/aboutLois.htm e-mail: laflood4peace@sbcglobal.net : Live performance of "Legacy of Isadora" and Presentation. Second Generation Duncan Teachers: 1. Mignon Garland 2. Julia Levien 3. Hortense Kooluris 4. Sylvia Gold 5. Madelaine Litton 6. Ligoa Duncan Dr. Andrea Seidel; Andrea Mantell Seidel; Seidel, Andrea Mantell (Miami Beach, Florida, USA) Dancearts Foundation Inc., Artistic Director Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble (Belilove's pupil) Cell: 786 351 71 92 5900 S.W. 84th Ave. Miami, Florida 33143 5709 LaGorce Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33140 (From Schmidt, 12.00) http://www.isadoradance.com http://miamidance.com http://spiritdanceart.org/about_idde.html https://www.facebook.com/andrea.m.seidel https://www.facebook.com/andrea.seidel.969 e-mail: seidel_a@bellsouth.net e-mail: seidela@fiu.edu : 17 Feb 04 : "Best of luck in this festival!" Kathryne Cassis Isadora Duncan Dance Los Angeles, CA 90036 Phone: 323-937-7759 http://www.isadoradance.com http://www.lively-arts.com/humaninterest/2001/kathryne_cassis.htm https://www.facebook.com/kathryne.cassis e-mail: kathrynecassis@mac.com Dienes Gedeon (Budapest) Dr. Gedeon Pavlovich Dienes, Organised by The Contemporary Dance Theatre Association One More Movemement Theatre Orkestik Movement Theatre /Orkestika Foudation/ Hungarian Society for Choreology, President EURDIOD European Dance Research Information Directory MAGYAR TANCTUDOMANYI TARSASAG 1014 Budapest, Szinhaz u. 1-3. Telefon: 06-1-225-3380 Fax: 06-1-225-3382 http://www.orkesztika.hu http://www.c3.hu/~dienesbu https://www.facebook.com/orkesztika https://www.facebook.com/dienesvaleria/ https://www.youtube.com/user/orkesztika/videos http://www.mozdulatmuveszet.hu/studio/ e-mail: dienesg@alarmix.hu, david@dienes.hu dienesbu@c3.hu, danceass@hu.inter.net, meg1@axelero.hu orkesztika@drotposta.hu, orkesztika@freemail.hu, orkesztika@axelero.hu, orkesztika@matavnet.hu : 01 May 2002 : "We regret that we are unable to attend the May Festival. In November we are planning a very modest Isadora Festival in Budapest to celebrate the 100th anniversary of her first public solo appearance (which happened to have occurred in Budapest in 1902)." Magyar Mozdulatmuveszeti Tarsulat nonprofit Kft. Seated at Mozdulatmuveszeti Studio, H-1077 Budapest, Taglo str. 11-13. Telefon / fax: 06 1 321 9745 skype: atariska http://tancpedia.hu/isadora-duncan http://www.mozdulatmuveszet.hu/oa/bevezeto_en.htm http://www.mozdulatmuveszet.hu/ftpdokuk/mail.htm https://www.facebook.com/mozdulatmuveszet e-mail: info@mozdulatmuveszet.hu Fenyves Mark https://www.facebook.com/fenyves.mark Maria Tatai Orkesztika Mozdulatszinhaz (Orchestics Movement Theatre), Director Company, modern dance, teacher, choreographer, Isadora Duncan Bartfai u. 8a HU-1119 Budapest Hungary Tel. (36.1)203.5237 Agi Szabo (Budapest) Teacher, dancer and dance teacher http://www.orkesztika.hu e-mail: szabo_agi@hotmail.com : 04 Jul 01 : "Isadora Duncan and her style is well-known in Hungary." Tanecni konzervator Duncan Centre Konzervator Duncan Centre, prague duncan centre konzervator http://duncancentre.cz/kontakt.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/Duncan-Centre/236842273031360 .. Eva Blazickova (Czech) Duncan Centre Conservatory, Dance Conservatory Duncan Centre Duncan Centre Theatre, Prague Branicka 41, 147 00 Prague 4, Czech Republic Odborny garant: Eva Blazickova Tel: +420 244 461 342, Fax: +420 244 462 354 Kontaktni tel.: 737 901 334, 605 047 075, 608 838 004, 604 301 505 http://www.duncanct.cz http://www.duncanct.cz/en/studio.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dance-Conservatory-Duncan-Centre/160675133984400 e-mail: duncanct@volny.cz, produkcedc@duncanct.cz : 14 Sep 01 : "I would like to kindly ask you to write me more personal letter about the possible participation and also about the financial conditions." Jarmila Jerabkova Award New Europe Festival 2013 http://www.cjj.ecn.cz/eng_master.html e-mail: awardjj@gmail.com Amy Swanson (Paris, France) Duncan Researcher http://redcygne.free.fr http://on-line-dance.tv/amy_swanson.htm https://www.facebook.com/amy.swansonsalmon maginel@computer.org e-mail: redcygne@aol.com, Amy2411@aol.com : 25 Jan 04 : "is there money for my transportation? for a fee? for a tech person? for hotel?" studio Le Regard du Cygne http://www.leregarducygne.com/danse/danser-libre/ http://www.leregarducygne.com/infos-pratiques/contacts/ communication@leregarducygne.com Paola Blanton (Santiago Beach, Sao Paulo, Brazil) https://www.facebook.com/paola.blanton https://www.facebook.com/events/685143481623055 http://heyevent.com/event/vxtgq7rmp4o2ca/gypsy-isadora-duncan-ws-by-paola-blanton http://www.youtube.com/user/Paolablanton/videos http://www.youtube.com/user/garyjblanton/videos Estudos Isadora Duncan no Brasil https://facebook.com/Estudos-Isadora-Duncan-no-Brasil-930374086991797/ Marilia de Andrade (Brasil) Profa. Dra. Antonieta Marilia de Oswald de Andrade http://www.iar.unicamp.br/docentes/mariliadeandrade/ http://www.bv.fapesp.br/pt/pesquisador/92330/antonieta-marilia-de-oswald-de-andrade/ Sitio Santa Rita, Joaquim Egidio BR-13120-970 Campinas, ESTЪDIO XXI, Rua Profa. Lydia Abdalla s/n. - Joaquim Egidio, Campinas Cep, 13108-046 SP Brasil Tel: (21) 22-26-43-12 Tel. & Fax (55) Assessoria de Comunicacao Social CCJF Tels. (21) 3261-2576 / 3261-2558 http://www.ccjf.trf2.gov.br/instit/artigos/marilia.htm e-mail: bayla@terra.com.br, imprensa.ccjf@trf2.gov.br, andradearantes@terra.com.br : April 28, 2005 : "Congratulations for your beautiful site on Isadora Duncan." Colleen Quinn Isadora Duncan technique to children Massachusetts, U.S.A. https://www.facebook.com/colleen.quinn.794 e-mail: cquinn@tmlp.com- Annabelle Gamson http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annabelle_Gamson http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKEHtZYK8BY https://www.facebook.com/pages/Annabelle-Gamson/120593177986371 Nadia Nahumck-Chilkovsky Researcher, Duncan dance notation, author Rte 1, Box 845 PA 18041 East Greenville, Pennsylvania U.S.A. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Nadia-Chilkovsky-Nahumck/143686242314800 4-- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan-the-Biggest-Dancer-in-the-World/143888495622510 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Айседора/109563982396449 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Дункан-Айседора/167682229960200 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/117295161951852 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/195173700555073 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/650231408323859 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/294353783912490 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan-Айседора-Дункан/185251194865645 https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.79 https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.121 https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.798 https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.944 https://www.facebook.com/isadora.duncan.1420 https://www.facebook.com/dalcrozeusa https://www.facebook.com/DalcrozeGeneve https://www.facebook.com/pages/Institute-for-Jaques-Dalcroze-Education/250116815078878 https://www.facebook.com/pages/MusiKinesis/120939814644604 Danza Ballet® Vaganova http://www.danzaballetblog.com http://www.danzaballet.com https://twitter.com/DanzaBallet https://www.facebook.com/pages/Danza-Ballet-La-Danza-y-el-Ballet https://www.facebook.com/Admin.danza.ballet http://vk.com/id322098237 Carolina De Pedro Pascual, Ballet Master, 30 декабря 1969 г. Барселона, Barcelona, Spain - Espana, 2003–2015 Martha Graham Dance Company https://www.facebook.com/MarthaGrahamDanceCompany CRD Isadora Duncan, e uma escola de danca https://www.facebook.com/crdisadoraduncanrp Isadora Duncan. Страница сообщества о Танец https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan/377232578982094 The Dancer Project https://www.facebook.com/TheDancerProject Divadlo Duncan Centre https://www.facebook.com/pages/Divadlo-Duncan-Centre/263577440353839 National Dance Education Organization (NDEO) Official Page https://www.facebook.com/ndeopage Marybeth Hraniotis https://www.facebook.com/marybeth.hraniotis.9 https://www.facebook.com/SolesBare/posts/459201464287162 https://www.gofundme.com/isadora-loie Katharina Van Dyk https://www.facebook.com/katharinavd Barbara Ann Fahringer https://www.facebook.com/barbara.fahringer Cherlyn Smith https://www.facebook.com/cherlyn.smith.161 Dicki Johnson Macy https://www.facebook.com/dicki.johnsonmacy Gabrielle Benton https://www.facebook.com/gabrielle.benton.3 Emma Cohen https://www.facebook.com/emma.rose.7982 Kristen Kissik https://www.facebook.com/kristen.kissik Lims Laban (Lims Central) https://www.facebook.com/LIMSCenter Laura Marciano https://www.facebook.com/laura.marciano.1441 Laura Pravitz https://www.facebook.com/laura.pravitz Margaret Johnson https://www.facebook.com/mmjohnson Shannon Dooling https://www.facebook.com/shannon.dooling Sylvie Dancre https://www.facebook.com/sylvie.dancre Tiffany Rothman https://www.facebook.com/trothman Fatima Suarez https://www.facebook.com/fatima.suarez.336 Pina Bausch https://www.facebook.com/pages/Pina-Bausch/111900243908 ** Dora Stratou Dance Theatre building, Plaka House of the Dance, Scholiou 8, Plaka, GR-10558 Athens Tel. (30) 210 324 4395, 210 324 6188, 210 921 4650, fax (30) 210 324 6921 http://www.grdance.org/en/ e-mail: mail@grdance.org Alkis Raftis CID - International Dance Council, President http://www.cid-portal.org https://www.facebook.com/international.dance.council.CID The Isadora Duncan pandect Everything on the greatest dancer of the 20th century Edited by Alkis Raftis with material from his collections Published by the Dora Stratou Dance Theater, Athens Under the auspices of the International Dance Council CID UNESCO Paris http://isadoraduncan.orchesis-portal.org/index.php/2014-05-20-08-34-51/example-pages/2014-05-22-08-15-36 The Isadora Duncan Dance Awards Committee San Francisco, California https://www.facebook.com/pages/Isadora-Duncan-Dance-Awards/138777849485304 http://izzies.org/contact/ e-mail: info@izzies.org e-mail: press@izzies.org Contact Person: Ray Tadio Telephone Number: (616) 405-1683 San Francisco Performing Arts Library and Museum Isadora Duncan Dance Awards Committee https://www.facebook.com/mpdsf The Virtual Museum of the City of San Francisco http://www.sfmuseum.org/bio/isadora.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/Museum-of-the-City-of-San-Francisco/138594069504057 https://twitter.com/isadora_duncan great_register@sfmuseum.org Julia Levien (died in the age of 90-years) DanceArts Foundation, Inc. Founder, The Isadora Duncan Centenary Dance Company Adviser, The Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble 330 West 30th Street NY 10009 New York U.S.A. Golden 546, Main street, NY NY 10044 Tel.: 305-480-8000 / Fax: 413-513-0902 e-mail: isadora_dance@yahoo.com Paul-James Dwyer (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) Dance OREMUS danse, Founder/Artistic Director A Modern Dance Company with a Live Music Mandate 240 Dovercourt Road Toronto, Ontario, CANADA, M6J 3E1 Tel/Fax: 416.536.9002 Charitable #: 893217935 RR 0001 http://www.danceoremusdanse.org e-mail: pauljamesdwyer@yahoo.ca pauljamesdwyer@hotmail.com, janaealyn@gmail.com Beth Jucovy https://www.facebook.com/beth.jucovy Dance Visions, Founder, Director, Choreographer, Dancer Adrienne Ramm, Duncan Dancer, Original Member of The Isadora Duncan Centenary Company https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100009268431409 Cathleen Sweeney, Duncan Dancer, Choreographer Great Neck, New York P. 516-482-2621 http://www.newyorkdancing.net Dance Visions NY http://www.dancevisionsny.org http://nassaumuseum.org/events_midsummer_magic.php?eveid=287 https://www.facebook.com/dancevisions.ny https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dance-Visions-NY/35044065959 https://www.facebook.com/ChildrenDancing e-mail: dancevisions.ny@gmail.com E. dancevisions.ny@gmail.com Children Dancing dance education 122 Horace Harding Blvd, Great Neck, NY 11020 Telephone 516 482 2621, FAX 516 482 3011 http://www.newyorkdancing.net e-mail: bjucovy@optonline.net Rebecca Bachar The TEMPLE STUDIO OF FINE ART, home of The DUNCAN DANCE COMPANY and Nature's Dance Classes Director, Performer Isadora Duncan, Healthy Natural BALLET ALTERNATIVE Modern, Lyrical, Creative Movement, Yoga, Art & Music Appreciation, Boutique and Art Gallery Fairfield, Ia., & Des Moines, Ia. 2030 Sapphire Lane, North Campus Village Fairfield, Iowa 52556 Telephones: 641-980-8099. 469-3477. 469-6811 http://www.templestudiooffineart.com/naturesdance.html https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.bachar https://www.facebook.com/rebecca.bachar.3 https://www.facebook.com/KidsCultureCampFairfieldIowa https://www.facebook.com/pages/TEMPLE-STUDIO-of-FINE-ART-DANCE/230991123611832 https://www.facebook.com/events/213499435465230/ http://artofdanceballetisadora.blogspot.ru e-mail: rebecca.bachar@gmail.com Cheryl Renner Isadora Duncan Art of the Dance School, dance tuition, classes 9346 Wellington Park Circle Tampa, Florida 33647 Telephone: 813-929-3241 212 Pocosin Drive LA 70471 Mandeville, Louisiana U.S.A. Tel. (1.504)845.7061; Fax (1.504)845.8406 https://plus.google.com/108097020135652794765/photos e-mail: shoodancer@aol.com Roberta Hoffman Isadora's Legacy: The Center For The Preservation of Modern Dance was founded by Roberta Hoffman in 1999 112 E. Patrick Street, Frederick, MD 21701 301-624-2434 (phone), 301-588-2295 (fax) http://www.isadoraslegacy.com/information.html e-mail: Hoffdance@aol.com Therese Anne Joseph Isadora Duncan's Dramatic Dance based on the Legacy of Isadora Duncan 19 South Washington Street, Second Floor, Binghamton, NY 13903 Phone: 607-722-0875 http://www.isadorasdancelegacy.com/AboutUs.html https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Dancers-Studio-Isadoras-Dance-Legacy/417065491673476 e-mail: thereseanne@IsadorasDanceLegacy.com Jennifer Sprowl Duncan Dance Chicago, Artistic Director 899 South Plymouth CT. Suite 1703 Chicago, Illinois 60605 Classical Modern Dance American Rhythm Center Fine Arts Building 410 S. Michigan Ave. (3rd Flr.) 312. 451. 8580 http://www.chicagoartistsresource.org/artist-stories/jennifer-sprowl http://duncandancechicago.com https://www.facebook.com/duncanchicago e-mail: duncanchicago@gmail.com Angela D'Onofrio https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=784306578 https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=784306578 Jody Sperling Time Lapse Dance, Inc., the Founder and Artistic Director a not-for-profit corporation visual delight and kinetic spectacle http://timelapsedance.com/about-4/time-lapse-dance/ http://www.youtube.com/user/jodytld http://www.facebook.com/pages/Time-Lapse-Dance/73436104116 e-mail: info@timelapsedance.com Lynn Armentrout (New York City, New York) The Duncan Dance Collective, co-director http://www.dancinglawyer.com e-mail: lynnarmentrout@gmail.com Maria Villazana-Ruiz (San Francisco U.S.A.) Isadora Duncan Dance Center & Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble, Director Duncan, Master classes, Lectures, Performances, Demonstrations, Classes for Children and Adults, Resource Center Mari Madelyn Szepesi Shain Stodt The Isadora Duncan International Center For Dance, Ltd., Artistic Director 741 Lakeview Ave. San Francisco, CA 94112 Tel. (1.415)587-0802, (415) 587-0730 e-mail: RosarioVillasana@hotmail.com Christy Cornell Duncan Kids, Children's Duncan Dance Classes 325 San Carlos Street, San Francisco, CA 94110 415-643-8917 or 415-652-1637 http://www.duncankids.com/wst_page3.html https://www.facebook.com/christy.cornellpape e-mail: christy@duncankids.com Kathryne Cassis Dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan 323 1/2 North Spaulding Avenue CA 90036 Los Angeles, California U.S.A. Tel. (1.323)937.7759 https://www.facebook.com/kathryne.cassis e-mail: kathrynecassis@mac.com Centre Isadora France, Marseille 3, rue Fortice. 13001, Marseille, France (F 105 C3) (1033) (0) 491-33-49-44 FRANCE TELECOM rue Gambetta. 31190, Auterives, France (Auterive F 103 C3, 121 C1) https://www.facebook.com/pages/Centre-Isadora/122791921129791 https://www.facebook.com/centre.isadora International Isadora Duncan Center 175 av Ledru-Rollin 11th, Paris, France Tel: http://www.tripadvisor.com/Travel-g187147-d245054/Paris:France:International.Isadora.Duncan.Center.html Linda Elkin Duncan Dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan 1 Kelton Court #3M, CA 94611 Oakland, California U.S.A. e-mail: linda@redoakrealty.com 5-- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It Must Have Been Violet Dance Productions IMHBV is a platform for performance and choreography for stage and screen. http://www.imhbvdance.com/Contact_us.html https://www.facebook.com/ItMustHaveBeenVioletDanceProductions info@imhbvdance.com John Petsalis (Corfu Museum, Greece) Nafsikas 2, 49100 Corfu, Greece http://www.corfu-museum.gr t. +30 69554559332661043635 e-mail: saragua@otenet.gr : Dec 21 2010 : "Following the accident, Duncan spent several months recuperating in Corfu with her brother and sister. As there is a focus of our Museum to issue an article about the staying of Isadora Duncan in Corfu." Dance Films Association, Inc. Organization, dance films, dancer, modern, Isadora Duncan http://www.dancefilms.org/contact/ http://www.dancefilmsassn.org https://www.facebook.com/dancefilms e-mail: info@dancefilms.org, dfa5@juno.com, dfa@juno.com The Meadow Dance Studio & Integral Healing Arts Center http://www.themeadowstudio.com/html/health.html https://www.facebook.com/TheMeadowDanceAndHealingArts Karen Smith Maryland Council for Dance, Exec. Dir. MD Council for Dance Inc 300 Washington Ave. Chestertown, MD 21620-1197 410.778.7237, 410.778.7741 fax 410/991-3735, 410/951-3355, 410/778-7237, 800/422-1782 ext 7237 http://www.marylanddance.org https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Maryland-Council-for-Dance/108437485845979 e-mail: ksmith@MarylandDance.org, ksmith2@washcoll.edu Woodminster Amphitheater 3300 Joaquin Miller Road, Oakland, CA 94602 Center for the Dance Theatre Company 510-537-2927 e-mail: vbigongiari@comcast.net Young Dancers in Repertory Brooklyn, New York PO Box 205037, Sunset Station, Brooklyn, NY 11220 Fax: 347-702-7157 http://www.youngdancersinrep.org/ydr_home.html https://www.facebook.com/YoungDancersInRepertory https://www.facebook.com/pages/Young-Dancers-In-Repertory-Center-For-Dance-Studies-YDR-CDS/174382005938973 e-mail: ydr@youngdancersinrep.org Dancing Arts Center Holliston, Massachusetts https://www.facebook.com/pages/Dancing-Arts-Center/149169175137252 e-mail: dancartctr@aol.com Liz Monnier Fort Wayne Dance Collective, Artistic Director Fort Wayne,IN 46802 USA Isadora friends http://fwdc.org/FWDC/contact-us/ https://www.facebook.com/fwdancecollective e-mail: info@fwdc.org, liz@fwdc.org Karin Michel Barefoot Dance Studio 412 5th St., Rapid City, SD, 57701 (behind the old Bully Blends)| (605) 415-1111 Pasadena, California, Owner, InstructorBarefoot Modern/Isadora Duncan Dance http://www.childrenschoolofdance.com http://www.barefootdancestudio.com/contactregister/ https://www.facebook.com/barefoot.dance Emily Forrest Modern creative dance company for children, Artistic Director Calgary, Alberta, Canada http://www.childrenindance.com e-mail: eforrest@cadvision.com- Anastasia Lira Shedia modern ballet group, Artistic Director Greece, Athens Dr. Avtandil V. Mikaberidze GEORGIAN INSTITUTE AT ATHENS, Director 40, V. Constantinou Ave. GR- 116 35 Athens, Greece Tel./Fax: +30.1.72 11 226 e-mail: gia@aegean.gr Nancy Zendora Zendora Dance Company 34 Watts Street, #30 New York, NY 10013 Tel: 212-431-5155 http://www.zendoradancecompany.com e-mail: zendoradancecompany@earthlink.net Anne Green Gilbert Creative Dance Center, Kaleidoscope Dance Company, Artistic Director Center for Creative Dance - not true Duncan style but modern http://www.creativedance.org http://www.facebook.com/pages/Creative-Dance-CenterKaleidoscope-Dance-Company/267888275928 e-mail: agilbert@creativedance.org Stacy Sumpman, Merce Cunningham The Merce Cunningham Dance Company http://www.mercecunningham.org https://www.facebook.com/merce.cunningham.trust https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merce-Cunningham/40251352695 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merce-Cunningham-Studio/146872548930 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Merce-Cunningham-Unconventional-Artist/245659125556244 e-mail: lwichern@mercecunningham.org, stacy@merce.org Поэт Сергей Есенин http://vk.com/club42180939 Клуб любителей шарфиков им. Айседоры Дункан http://vk.com/club52982140 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nazenik Sargsyan https://www.facebook.com/nazenik.sargsyan Алексей Воронов http://vk.com/tanecduha http://vk.com/asfernum https://www.facebook.com/alexey.voronov.58 Каплунов Юрий Геннадьевич https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100012948046922 Юлия Тагали https://www.facebook.com/julija.tagali Elena Yushkova ` Елена Владимировна Юшкова https://www.facebook.com/elena.yushkova.77 Irina Sirotkina https://www.facebook.com/irina.sirotkina.33 https://m.facebook.com/irina.sirotkina.33 Валентина Геннадьевна Царькова http://vk.com/id168359331 https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008295846498 http://ecodance.netfast.org http://ecodance.chat.ru http://ecodance.narod.ru Татьяна Трифонова https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005614307548 Valentina Ryazanova ` Валентина Рязанова https://www.facebook.com/RUDN.University/ https://www.facebook.com/valentina.ryazanova.33 https://m.facebook.com/valentina.ryazanova.33 https://vk.com/club3475136 http://www.isadorarudn.com/home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1jMq8mLTkK0 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzKCth_rxZIlK9JQKYs3AYA/videos Visa to Russia ONLINE ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ http://troul.chat.ru/visa.htm http://troul.narod.ru/world.htm#visa http://troul.narod.ru/visa.htm http://r812.eu5.org/troul/visa.htm http://duncancenter.narod.ru/visa.htm
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